Originally Posted by reivertom
I'll just drink my caffeinated drinks and they can keep their buggery.

I think what they were trying to say was that non members can keep their caffinated drinks and their buggery if they give the church assurance that that members can still be allowed to personally and as a church believe that those things are wrong within the church.

The church is trying to say go ahead and live by your values just let us live by ours. It's going to be a big interesting mess though because like the gun control fight it goes little by little and never stops. The more you give the other side the more they take.

The real interesting and troubling times are just a few short years down the road i believe. It won't end here with an amicable agreement saying ok we'll tolerate you doing what you want and you tolerate us believing those actions are wrong for us.

Soon they will be pushing for gay temple marriage. That's when you guys get a big bag of popcorn ready because that's when it will get real interesting. Most of us members don't really care what non members do because we know they have their own beliefs. We may say that's wrong by our standards but you have the right to govern yourself according to the dictates of your own conscience.

I've got lots of friends and family that drink, smoke, and sleep around but I know they have different standards and values of their own and they are doing right by what they believe.

A Jew can live kosher while allowing non jews to eat bacon. But the real problems going to begain when non jews start demanding the right to slaughter pigs and smoke bacon in the synagogues with full religious rights.

That's where this thing is headed for us. Shortly they'll be demands for gay temple marriages and women holding the Priesthood. That's when things will really get interesting. The left will demand it and try to get the government to enforce it or take away the tax exempt status and file all kinds of discrimination lawsuits. Left wingers will start vandalizing church property everywhere not just in California.

The left can never live and let live they will always continue to push until they have you under their rules and completely in line with their dogma. They use incrementalism to advance their cause and will lie and give false assurance the entire time. This is another step down that rode.

The church said the big problem they had during prop 8 was their fears that if same sex marriage was normalize church members would be forced to say they agreed with it or possibly lose their job over it. Or that a church members bakery might be forced to cater gay weddings etc. The left said that was crazy fear mongering and that no one was going to lose a job or be forced to bake a cake. We know how that's worked out.

It's going to get way more interesting and it's going to happen soon. Those that hate us are going to have plenty of opportunities to see us in the middle of a mess. There's a lot of decision and uncertainty among some members but most just want to live how they want to live and be left alone like most conservatives do.

However, that fight is coming and it's going to be a big one. I'm kind of the mindset of bring it on, let's get this over and see how it all shakes out. For you spectators or mockery just be watching for the gay temple marriage demands and the women holding the priesthood. That's when our real test starts and it will get interesting.

As for me personally I don't care what non members do if it doesnt effect me but I reserve the right to think it's wrong for me or even be disgusting by it if it strikes me as such.

I'm sure I'm opening pandoras box for me by even posting it here but as usual I made it long enough most won't read it anyways. And my skin is pretty thick but I can get tired and hit back on occasion so I'll just apologize for that now. Continue firing at will and seriously, have a lot of popcorn on hand.
