
I'm not condoning this behavior or disagreeing with your comments at all wrt my own personal beliefs/conduct.

I agree that society is slipping and that this behavior has become more prevalent and accepted by many as OK. The family is where it is at for humans from an evolutionary sense as well as religious for many reasons. Look to nature, particularly primates and large mammals! Not that it does not occur but it is not selected for. Mother Nature and natural selection are pretty harsh as well as efficient! Once again, just my personal observation and opinion.

We don't live by the laws of nature any longer. We think we are smarter and our record is pretty good, at least here in the short term...

>gov believes they can fix everything for everyone... doesn't work that way.

Interesting times to come. Once again, not necessarily a surprise at all from a religious viewpoint.

From a scientific standpoint, ever study the laws of thermodynamics and particularly the "natural" tendency/drive towards increased entropy or "randomness." This can also be viewed as less "organization" and more "chaos." It also fits the situation to my understanding at the social/macro level. Overcoming that requires "heat" and effort in the form of work, cooperation, morals, belief in a higher power, etc.