In fairness,Shefire is both a First and Second Plane CLUELESS Drooler,who just "happens" to be a Lying Piece Of Fhuqking Schit to boot...the "lucky" kchunt. Hint. Congratulations?!?

[Linked Image from]

I keep a 6x MQ with DOPE in it's ocular and a Sig LRF at work,just for Dissenters. Hint.(grin)

It's rather easy to see a Critter and ask "How are you going to kill him?" and they of course flounder. It's all been SFP,in glass that doesn't track,repeat or hold zero for them and "turret" is a DIRTY fhuqking word. "Reticle" is something and Atheist would order,only from the Devil himself. With 15 seconds of "coaching",while looking at a full page print of said reticle and it's subtension values,I hand over the LRF and say "kill it",while counting in seconds. They range,set glass on Critter and say "got it",once subtended in but a coupla seconds. Then look at me and say "that's IT?!?","yep". Such things,tend to bolster Sales. Doubly so,when thy can source their Factory Loaded Schit on Ballistics AE. Hint.

Then it's never ending subtension applications,to make range determinations,Critter determinations,target size determinations and the like,as you cite. Such things are rather good for The Economy,as Sales go and encompassing more than a "few" wares. Hint.................

Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."