Ok Boomers

Man, what did you guys do to look tough before the Internet?
Cards in the spokes, comb in the back pocket and a pack of smokes rolled up in your sleeves? Not to mention greasy hair, pretending to be your dads because they actually were tough. The rest of your life you spent trying to perfect it, often convincing folks you were tough, others simply didn't want to waste their time proving you wrong. And here you are, most of your family has left you or wants nothing to do with you, including your kids. All you have left is what money you accumulated through the easiest time in America to gain wealth, and to sit online and try to be a tough guy. [bleep] Internet is full of guys like that. The faster they get wound up, the surer you've pegged one for being just that. The true tough guys don't get wound up so easily, they've seen what it does. So.......

Beware of any old man in a profession where one usually dies young.

Calm seas don't make sailors.