LoL, so you won't read the CF where I clearly
Proposed the pressure bandage pros/cons?
you rather stick to your lies...

Originally Posted by dan_oz
....It was not you who proposed pressure bandages for bites from Australian snakes. ..

You sure about that?

Originally Posted by Starman
Originally Posted by KillerBee
DId you know that the WORST THING you can do when bitten by a venomous snake is to control your blood flow?

A pressure bandage to restrict lymphatic flow
is also going to restrict blood flow but not
necessarily to problematic level.

Originally Posted by Starman

In terms of 1st world medical advice regarding
snake bite, it's pretty much across the board that
Tourniquets, incisions and vacuuming are no no.
Even with a pressure bandage it has to be done
correctly, even the 'Pros' don't always get it right.
Some advise not applying such for the risk of
getting it wrong and doing more harm than good.
There are other deciding factors such as what type
of neurotoxin(elapids) Vs haemotoxin(vipers).
but it's not always that simplistic, for some vipers
can deliver nuerotoxin and some elapids haemotoxin.

-Bulletproof and Waterproof don't mean Idiotproof.