Originally Posted by Mule Deer
For those who are apparently unaware of the reason Burris created the E1, it was designed as a version of the FFII that could be dialed up and down more easily, and with a reticle more suitable for longer-range shooting of smaller game, especially varmints.

Which is what some hunters wanted. And it works very well for that purpose--which I know due to having been using E1s for those purposes (mostly varmints) since they were introduced.

For general big game use, yes, the Ballistic Plex is a great reticle, the reason around 85% of my Burris scopes have BP reticles.

But always good to know how many Campfire members know more than optics companies about what will sell--and E1s have apparently been selling well enough for around 15 years to keep them in the line-up.

And case anybody really misses the point, the E1 was NOT designed as the perfect moose scope....

I sure like the paralax and the magnification adjustment. Much improved.

Anyway.....just thought I would add that. Continue with your scolding.

I am MAGA.