Originally Posted by Valsdad
Originally Posted by Teal
He's not worried about the hair. I'm just amazed at the positive attitude. He's been in that room since 2/6 with a broken TV. That's it. Mom and dad get to visit him 1 hour a day. That's all.

I'm sure he'll be glad to be back in the US. At the least I can mail him some magazines and the like now too.
Glad to hear the good news.

Teal, is he a rifle loonie, reloader, traditional archer? I've got a bunch of back issues of magazines I can donate.

Unfortunately - he's none. Good mechanic, likes to shoot but not a gun nut. The hope is, when he's back healthy - I can work on him some more.

He was a junior when his mom and I got together. Eagle Scout - last 2 years in the AF etc.
