Originally Posted by moosemike
My son handled the new 336 this past weekend. He said he would rather have it than a JM anyday. He said the fit and finish was great
I wouldn't trade my old JM Marlin .30-30 for two Ruglins. Not just because of all the good memories of bucks brought to bag either but because it runs slicker than oil on an ice cube and punches out nice, tidy little 3/4" 100 yard groups over and over, year after year. Always brings a smile to my face when I bench it before the season to affirm zero. Damn thing thinks it's a bolt action. In fact, it's more accurate than a good many bolt action rifles, including my own Ruger 77 .30-06. Screw the finish, lotta mechanical turds out there with a nice finish.. I'm gonna rub that off and pock it with dents and scratches given time anyway.