Am having my morning coffee getting ready to look for buffalo.

Several days ago absolutely demolished one with a single 375 250 TTSX. For those interested in such it left the muzzle at 2800. Hit the buffalo at around 110 yard. Broke bone on way in and then hit the heart lungs. They looked like they had been through a blender. The buffalo went 28 paces.

Penetration. Did not fully penetrate which I prefer since they are herd animals and I don’t want to hit a secondary animal. That said, the penetration was into opposite chest wall.

This was #13. Previously have used the 270 TSX on all except the first. I can’t imagine better performance.
Am going to look for more today.

My experience is that hit well with the first shot they run 25 to 90 yards and kaput. The bull taken before I arrived was poorly hit and required 9 shots from the two PH’s who followed it. It made two attempts to charge them. Buffalo rodeo.

“Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away”.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Posted by Brad.