Originally Posted by JoeBob
We have a Walmart Neighborhood Market close to our house. Its pretty upscale and convenient. I go there a couple times a week and never have need to go to one of the big Wal-Marts. I probably hadn’t been to one of them in more than a year.

I went to get a cheap TV for the patio. Holy schit, it’s like some sort of dystopian scene from some crappy movie. Half the merchandise in certain sections (electronics) is locked up and you have to get some surly black chick to unlock it. The people…oh the people inside. No checkers. No problem use self checkout. Oh, self checkout doesn’t take cash. Get beeped going out the door have to pull out receipt and treated like criminal.

I know Amazon is the enemy, but none of these corporations are any better than the other. I’m going with the one that has this schit on my porch tomorrow evening without having to venture forth and feel like I’m on the set of Soylent Green.

I love messing with those door people. 😉 Last time one asked me, "May I see your receipt?"
I replied bluntly, "No." and walked out the door.
I fully expected a security crew to tackle me before I got to my vehicle, but they never showed up.
When I see people showing the door people their receipt, I tell them that it's against the 14th Amendment to ask for your receipt. It's an illegal search.

Next thing I do is tell the employees in the "Self Check" area that self check is killing their jobs.
Then, I ask them, "If I check myself out, do I get the employee discount?"

I stay away from WM as much as I possibly can.

Back during the COVID-19 sham, our little local chain grocery store was never overpriced or had empty shelves.