Yellowstone to me is a toxic waste dump. Sits on top of a very likely volcanic disaster they say is gonna blow any day now. Been saying it. It is big. Lots of antelope and elk. The old architecture is great. A zoo of people. Too much driving but people are courteous with the stop and go wildlife watching. Getting out to see the bear was ridiculous. The poor ranger had to tell me very clearly what he wanted me to do. Maybe I'm stupid like the rest who never saw the bear. They had the buffalo roundup when we were there, which seemed totally staged and phony. They definitely missed a few. Glacier and Tetons are more spectacular, even Zion. The falls are pretty. Had no idea they called that the Grand Canyon. That's a boast. My wife loved the toxic waste pools. Even the elk eat some of it. One bull tried to get in our camper van. Weird place. You might like it....