On June 15th, 1973 I raised my right hand and said "yep" and took the bus ride to Ft. Leonard Wood Missouri. It's been 50 years since I was on the Ft. Des Moines property. 50 years and one day later I was back to get my daughter married on what was former Ft. Des Moines property now known as the Blank Park Zoo. Where the heck did 50 years go ??

At one time Ft. Des Moines was home to the 25th Infantry division. It was the home to what was known as the Buffalo Soldiers cavalry. In WWII it was the primary training base for the Army WACS. The buildings are looking bad and it hasn't been used by the military for at least 20 years. So much history just decaying away.


For liberals and anarchists, power and control is opium, selling envy is the fastest and easiest way to get it. TRR. American conservative. Never trust a white liberal. Malcom X Current NRA member.