Originally Posted by Roddy1993
we simply cannot rid the world of dangerous things and we certainly should not impose our will on others. when there is a large enough consensus it may get voted in, that act does not make it right. when there are two large enough groups that disagree then we have war. if argument is all that exists among a topic then argue you must. still doesn't mean either side is right. I myself do not have a dog in this debate hahahaha get it, DOG in this fight!!!! I amaze myself every day. carry on Karens and Boomers
Pretty well said.

I’m not sure how you would ban them anyhow. All a breeder would have to do is outcross to something similar and then it would be a mutt or a new designer dog rather than a pit.

You could ban everything that looked similar to a pit, English Bulldogs included but then breed for a similar temperament in something that looked completely different, an aggressive traditional working Doberman for instance. As long as there are large powerful dogs someone can and will easily figure out how to breed for whatever temperament and other traits that they want regardless of if it looked like a pit.