Are these dogs that are killing folks or severely injuring them actually real Pit Bulls (American Pitbull Terriers) or some kind of crossbred dogs that get lumped in and given the "Pit" name? A true APBT is a rather small and lean dog, with most males being sub-60lbs and most females sub-50lbs. Not saying that a 50lb dog can't hurt somebody (or especially 2-3 dogs together) but it seems like a lot of these problem dogs are some kind of bigger and heavily muscled variants?

A local family I know recently had to put down their old 40lb female Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Over the years they often kept her in their store during business hours. My kids would go in just to pet her. People often confused her breed with what they lumped in as "pitbulls", even though the smaller and more compact old-breed Staffordshire Bulls rarely cause any problems. They simply have the misfortune of looking a fair bit like the problem dogs.

Now with even more aplomb