Tractor Supply today, buying buckets for sauerkraut.
A couple was in there with 4 dogs,one a decent size shepherd mix.
Kept my eye on them, most people don't have controlled dogs.
Wondering, "If needed, do you shoot one,or knife, it in a store?"

Those dogs were mostly good, no worries.

Then got to pondering.
What's worse, what's worse to deal with?
Little dogs you can kick away or stomp.

Medium dogs can do damage, but are small and fast. Can't really get distance with a kick, too big to stomp. If you kill it, blowback/charges might follow.
Big dogs, whatever you do is probably OK. If they bit you first.


And yet, cops shoot dogs frequently.
Often in very murky circumstances.
And it's always fine.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!