Originally Posted by RiverRider
Oohhhh...I get it now. The way to win is to keep throwing good money after bad.

That'll change the world. Yup.
Originally Posted by PaulBarnard
They haven't corrected their problem yet. Buttfugk them.
The only real solution is bankruptcy, complete liquidation. Otherwise Wayne and whoever else feathered their nests with huge retirements and golden parachutes get to keep sucking up the money. The legal bills for their shenanigans will continue to be paid. It is time to burn this old rotten barn down.

There is no other way to get rid of the blood suckers and 76 board of directors that have been robbing this organization for decades. Ever wonder why they wouldn't fight anti-gun laws in court? That would have solved the question of the 2nd amendment. A crisis atmosphere had to be maintained.

Other organizations won the big court decisions while the big bad NRA stood around yapping like a neutered dog at a gang bang.

By the way I'm a life member and I throw the magazine away every time it comes in.

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.
Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."
Hebrew Roots Judaizer