In addition to being "Gun Appreciation Day", January 19th should be "NRA Appreciation Day". It's not like there's lots of ammo around to spend your money on. Take $25, and either join the NRA or, if already a member, donate that much to the NRA-ILA.

If millions of folks can go to Chick-Fil-A to buy a sandwich, surely a few hundred thousand could join/donate in one day to support the NRA. There's absolutely no reason why the NRA shouldn't add a million members by the end of this month if people really CARE about their rights.

I have little hope for this nation as it stands. You think people are going to fight and die for their Constitutional rights?? Hell, we can't even get them to spend $25 a year and endure a few phone/mail solicitations for an organization that does the fighting for them. Truly pathetic and inexcusable......