Originally Posted by There_Ya_Go
She says the right things and looks good doing it. As president, she says she would not "come after our guns." But would she appoint judges who would undermine the Second Amendment? That's the big question I'd have.

She might, but that is mostly our fault. I mean she probably wouldn’t appoint hardcore commies who would do it, but I’d be more worried about “Republicans” who would. The only “moderates” these days are Republicans. Republicans are the only ones who ever break the ideological mold and get “bi-partisan”.

Guys like Roberts, Barrett and others have at times, been real disappointments. The biggest reason for this is that Republicans still buy into this bullschit that Ivy League educations are a prerequisite for high profile judicial appointments. As long as they do that, the “Republicans” we get from places like that are going to way more liberal than your average republican.

That Rasmussen study that came out in the last few months that showed how out of touch the so-called elites were showed that the so-called super elite predominantly went to one of twelve schools and that just six percent of the enrollees at those schools were protestant.

Even the most pro-Trump America First conservatives like Steve Bannon fall into this trap. If you listen to his show he will always talk up Ivy League graduates.

If those schools were ever as elite as we imagined, they aren’t now. They are mostly turning out dumb trust fund baby legacies and minorities. These people are taught that they are better and smarter than everyone else and thoroughly indoctrinated in the latest leftist claptrap. Until we completely reject them as a class and as a whole, we are going to be disappointed and betrayed by those we thought were on our side.