Originally Posted by Crash_Pad
At Eichman's trial Israel didn't allege gas chambers or final solution orders, extermination camps, or such grievously large, even numbers like 6,000,000. Why do you suppose such damning testimony was avoided? Wouldn't discovery and cross examination of those Satanic details prove Nazi depravity so obviously, and beyond question, that no laws across Europe would ever be required forbidding the innocent asking as to Who, When, Where, and How such a fantastical fairy tale could have ever been concocted?

B.S. You know nothing about which you speak.

“The prosecution case was presented over the course of 56 days, involving hundreds of documents and 112 witnesses (many of them Holocaust survivors). Hausner ignored police recommendations to call only 30 witnesses; only 14 of the witnesses called had seen Eichmann during the war. Hausner's intention was to not only demonstrate Eichmann's guilt but to present material about the entire Holocaust, thus producing a comprehensive record. … In his testimony throughout the trial, Eichmann insisted he had no choice but to follow orders, as he was bound by an oath of loyalty to Hitler – the same superior orders defence used by some defendants in the 1945–1946 Nuremberg trials. Eichmann asserted that the decisions had been made not by him, but by Müller, Heydrich, Himmler, and ultimately Hitler. Servatius also proposed that decisions of the Nazi government were acts of state and therefore not subject to normal judicial proceedings. Regarding the Wannsee Conference, Eichmann stated that he felt a sense of satisfaction and relief at its conclusion. As a clear decision to exterminate had been made by his superiors, the matter was out of his hands; he felt absolved of any guilt. On the last day of the examination, he stated that he was guilty of arranging the transports, but he did not feel guilty for the consequences.”

In short, the Israelis did introduce evidence regarding the Holocaust as a whole. And Eichman’s defense was NOT that it did not happen or that he was not involved in it, but, rather, that he was just following orders.