You were doing pretty good until you ran out of logic yourself :

"Like the man said, it’s not that Hitler killed 6 million Jews, it’s that ordinary Germans were convinced that this was the right thing to do."

At Eichman's trial Israel didn't allege gas chambers or final solution orders, extermination camps, or such grievously large, even numbers like 6,000,000. Why do you suppose such damning testimony was avoided? Wouldn't discovery and cross examination of those Satanic details prove Nazi depravity so obviously, and beyond question, that no laws across Europe would ever be required forbidding the innocent asking as to Who, When, Where, and How such a fantastical fairy tale could have ever been concocted?

The 1950 World Census shows a substantial increase in Jewish population. Deducting 6 Million from the 1940 number proves Jews were breeding and reproducing faster than anyone in human history. There is no other explanation. Is there?