Originally Posted by Teal
Do you think soft people are just that way and can never change or are they that way only because the circumstances allow them to be like that? Take it away and they'd toughen up?...
People tend to find resolve and a will to survive when there's no other choice. Just curious as to what the rest think.
Never been in a real do or actually die situation involving lots of people but have seen enough situations to know that you never know.

In Basic Training we had a Puerto Rican guy who was Senor Tough. Always challenging people, ready to fight at the drop of a hat. We went through the tear gas chamber and he came out crying and screaming like a baby. He was choking! He was dying! Pretty pathetic to look at.

Have seen strong, confident people endure lots of physical hardship and bad situations without complaint with some of the quiet "meeK" guys right alongside them, keepin' on keepin' on.

Not a new revelation but you can't know who will survive and who will give up until the S actually HTF.

Gunnery, gunnery, gunnery.
Hit the target, all else is twaddle!