Although other species may recognize and react to sexual and genetic aberrations to some extent, only among human beings do the aberrations and related behavioral deviance become social/moral issues. Throughout recorded history the deviant behavior has been viewed and treated in varying ways - from circumstances where perverted practice was a daily way of life for certain groups or persons of certain status versus strict prohibitions and related sanctions/punishments. The point is that the aberrant behavior is nothing new - nor are the changes in how it is viewed and dealt with.

Ebb and flow - and we are simply looking at a short span of a long term problem. The obvious money and influence being invested during recent times in efforts to somehow legitimize the perverted activity - to remove stigma, reduce the social/personal guilt factors and shove proponents of deviant behavior into some sort of acceptable status (and power positions) logically may seem like an avalanche of social change and shift of morals and weakening of decent structures. Not so.

Society is reaping the crop grown due to inattention, diversion, whatever laxity enables such aberrations to flourish for a time. The distaste is palpable, but not yet strong enough to cause the species here to deal with the problem. The fundamental aberration is so plain and simple that it cannot be ignored forever or ever denied - the pendulum will continue.

NRA Member - Life, Benefactor, Patron