Thanks. I have come to a point in my life where I can buy the gear I want and I really don't have to ask "how much" unless I feel so inclined. When I was a younger man, I didn't seem to mind a lack of comfort. Now I'm at a point where I just don't feel like being cold, wet or otherwise miserable. I don't want to fight my gear, and Lord knows, I have had a few "brush fits" where lousy equipment was disposed of in a less than ceremonious fashion.

Maybe it's a function of age, but I don't like salespeople buzzing in my ear like no-see-ums. It's not that I know everthing. In fact, I am pretty sure I don't know much, but what I do know, I am pretty sure about. With the patina of age, I don't have a problem asking a question when I need an answer... but I also have no patience for a sales clerk trying to knit me an answer out of a basket of assumption-colored yarn. I have survived my share of close calls in the hard places without the benefit of the world-class gear I now own. While I had the advantages of youth like strength and stamina, I also had a good deal more stupid in my pack. I did some things in the day that explain some of my gray hair.

For the most part, I figure talking about gear is just an congenial way to pass the time of day when we're sitting inside instead of sitting where we belong. It's mostly about tweaking and tuning and fussin' the way we do as we get older and more persnickity about our lash ups. I'm always interested in learning a new trick or two and keeping my ear to the ground for some Tom Foolish way to spend a few more dollars... but I just don't have the disposition for a whole lot of selling.

Hunting success is 90 percent hunter, 10 percent weapon.