Originally Posted by MarcTaylor
There are guides who will not take the client UNTIL he is in a Wiggy bag, so they keep them on hand. A miserable client will turn a miserable tip when his guide doesn't give up the Wiggy bag to him. I've heard stories exactly like that.

From who? Wigutow? Who in the name of Hades are these guides? And these hunters? What kind of lower-than-whale-crap so-called hunter would even ASK to use another man's sleeping bag? What else does he want? The wife and the dog and all the cold beer? What kind of outfitter would put up with that nonsense for the sake of a "tip"? Are you telling me that some Alaska "guide" is going to look my ID bag and say, "Hey, you're going to have to leave that piece of crap here because I don't want you getting wet and cold and whining for my Wiggy's bag and then I'd have to give it you because it's so awesome and because I don't want you to stiff me on my tip." Is Alaska that big of a goat rope or are you just the Energizer Bunny of Wiggy sales? On second thought, Taylor, forget I asked. I'll just go back to the NWT where the Canadian guides bake good bread, brew a heckuva pot of tea and they treat hunters like hunters.

Hunting success is 90 percent hunter, 10 percent weapon.