
Not trying to emulate anyone, just a couple guys having fun.

Who are you emulating??\

Look guys, I use this place to vent, stir up some fun, and hopefully have a laugh.

The title said "Fat F&ckers" If you were fat, you would know that you wouldn't want to read this thread. Yet you did, and commented............(some vehemently). The only people who would take offense to this thread, are fat people. if you didn't like the content, you can always skip it.................and if you don't,
you have only yourself to blame. One poster commented I was "an ass" . LOL. He is in Penn, I'm 500 miles north.......do you think I care?? It's the internet guys!!!

It is for entertainment!! My apologies again to those who found this offensive, I guess I just have a thicker skin than some, and take the internet for what it is.................entertainment.

See Paul? I'm contributing!