God help us all if we Republicans nominate this ignorant, ill-informed, unqualified woman for the presidency. Yes, her ideology is just what we need, but she is otherwise utterly unqualified. She is an embarassment. She should concentrate on being a better parent (a little sex education or moral instruction on the pitfalls of premarital sex would be a good place to start). If she ever wants to play on the national scene again, she needs to educate herself on such fundamental concepts as American exceptionalism (which most of us learned in high school) to say nothing of such things as the Bush Doctrine.
In many respects, Palin reminds me of trailer trash. Of course she is not, but her lack of sophistication, of fundamental knowledge, her general ignorance about how the world works, her poor vocabulary and delivery all make her fundamentally unelectable. She may be the candidate of choice of the illiterate, but she cannot capture the votes of those conservative democrats and educated young voters whose support we will need in order to try to return this country to conservative governance.

Last edited by RobJordan; 02/06/09.

Communists: I still hate them even after they changed their name to "liberals".

My boss asked why I wasn't working. I told him I was being a democrat for Halloween.