Your response identifies you as the "ignorant, sombitchin bastard" pal. I'll stand my conservative credentials up against anyone's. It is precisely because I am a conservative that I cannot support Palin. It is not McCain's fault that Palin was ignorant and ill-informed. (And believe me, I am not defending McCain. I don't drink that kool-aid). She is a governor for hell's sake. It is her responsibility to learn what the Bush doctrine is---to understand basic civics, for hell's sake.
Originally Posted by HOGBUSTER
You have to be the most ignorant sombitchin, bastard I have ever come in contact with. Are all you DEMOCRARATS this BUT UGLY, I MEAN STUPID?
So what! She was not up to date on specific subjects! Blame that on the McKain bunch. She was nominated on a moments notice. How long, was her oponents preparing for the KILL? She did one hell of a job considering the circumstance at hand. You hind tit sucking demo's need to get your resumes in order. I hope she runs next time with her own pick of the RNC and KICKS MAJOR ASS!
Which I feel she is capable of holding her own!

Just great. We've got a guy who can't even spell "McCain" (McKain!) and "Democrats" (DEMOCRARATS!)telling us who would make a great president. Hogbuster, I'm gonna rename you "Cletus" and no longer wonder why you are falling all over Palin.

Communists: I still hate them even after they changed their name to "liberals".

My boss asked why I wasn't working. I told him I was being a democrat for Halloween.