Originally Posted by let_me_in
You cite Kathleen Parker, the exception, which doesn't make her the rule. Nice try.

Now post the reviews of the majority of conservative columnists. Also if you would, post the HELL Kathleen Parker took after her article.

Your response completely begs the question. We don't decide truth based on popularity. Yes Parker caught hell, but that fact tells us nothing about whether her premises were correct, whether her facts were accurate and whether her conclusions logically followed her premises. It tells us alot more about the ignorance which has come to characterize so much of the Republican party. Watch the Couric/Gibson/Hannity interviews again and get back to us on just how well qualified Sarah is.

Communists: I still hate them even after they changed their name to "liberals".

My boss asked why I wasn't working. I told him I was being a democrat for Halloween.