The new Nordyke is a strong opinion, even though it allows restriction on gun shows on public property under the "reasonable regulation' rule. A defendant who pleads an exception to the 2d Amendment has the burden of showing that the statue or ordinance restricting gun fights is reasonable under the circumstances.

The far left loonies had really hoped to restrict Heller to federal cases, whch would have made it of significant, but limited, utility as only the US government would be bound by the 2d Amendement. The NRA and other 2d Amendment protectors geared up on this one, got good lawyers in place, and made frontal assaults in CA and other places. This case will make it very hard for IL, DE, NY, MA and other such havens to continue to deny citizens their 2d amendment rights.

I have belonged to the NRA for 34 years and now am an Endowment Member. If you do not belong, look them up on the web,, and become at least an annual member. This is especially important with the current administration. Remember that treaties, which are ratified by the US Senate, take precedence over federal and state statutes (although not over the Constitution). A firearms import-export treaty with Mexico could seriously affect our 2d Amendment rights.

Get up and join the NRA now (unless you are a member)!