I was a little too specific in my previous response about "one of a kind" No.1 rifles made up for friends of Mr. Ruger. I did not mean to imply that WBR was the only one who could do this.
Two of the more special rifles in my collection are the one that Lenard Brownell made up for himself and one he made up for a friend of his in Wyoming. He also made a "one of a kind" for Stan Terhune of Pine Tree Castings. Then there are "lunch box specials" made up by employees, which to me are very interesting, but lack legitimacy. The only thing else I can add is that documented provenance is required for the rifle to have the value it deserves.
I know of no informal records on this, unless Carl Ross has recorded and documented all those he has heard of and confirmed.

El Numero Uno
a Serious Collector of the Ruger No.1 rifle;
a Modern Classic Sporting Arm