Pics worth a thousand words, and that's a beautiful young lady that any father should be proud of, I certainly would if I had a daughter and she were mine.

Winston, that was completely uncalled for, Bigstick has alot to be proud. That young lady will grow up having alot more character, class, and other things, that many in today's time won't ever understand. AND I'll bet when it's time and if she wants to put on her favorite dress, and fix up like ladies do when it's age appropriate Not out fishing and hunting, she will turn heads as good as the best of them.

You sir are wrong in your view, and for posting and I feel personally you owe Bigstick a sincere apology, if at a minimum in a PM. It's the least you can do. Maybe you had a few too many beers and wanted to take a jab, but that was just plain wrong, and completely untrue!

Ribbin fellow members in jest is one thing, joking or slamming their kids - completely out of place IMHO.

Man up Winston, and do the right thing.

Bigstick - be proud - that's a good looking young lady you have there and anyone that says otherwise - it's blashemy, not that I need to tell you. She will grow up w/many memories knowing her father investing his time/energy into her life and future. Not all fathers take the time to do so with their kids, Kudos.