Originally Posted by Leanwolf
I was a many-years subscriber to "Field & Stream." Back around 1990-1991 (or so ?), Petzal wrote an editorial advocating more gun control laws against owners of "evil black assault rifles," and "high capacity" magazines. According to Petzal, they had no place in the hunting field. Said we gun owners needed to compromise with the far left liberals by giving up some of our guns (and Rights) in order to keep a few others.

He was so profoundly naive and ignorant, he was unable to comprehend the fact that the far left liberals intend to eventually ban ALL guns, and their assault against "assault" rifles and "big" magazines was no more than one of their incremental "first steps."

I dropped my subscription and have had no respect for Mr. Petzal ever since.

I could not care where he is, or what he's doing.


Well, I hope you did not buy any Ruger products since that time, in protest as well....

William B Ruger's thoughts on "black" rifles were just about Identical to Petzal's statements of that time. Only Bill Ruger went Petzal one further- he DID make a deal with anti gunners in congress to help define the terms of the "Assault weapons" ban on certain rifles -which his Mini-14 was excluded from. Ruger was also the source for the 10 shot magazine limits.

To all gunmaker critics-
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.."- Teddy Roosevelt