Originally Posted by JStor
jwp475 has it right. At some point you draw a line.

The citizens of this country will compromise away all of their traditional constitutional freedoms real soon...wait a minute, they already nearly have.

Some of the firearms companies and writers apparently have been out to lunch at Fuddsville. They seem to think the 2nd amendment has something to do with hunting arms, when in fact the original intent was aimed at martial arms.

Why do you think the left desires restrictions? It's just one step closer to confiscation. They can not control the populace if those "peons" are armed. Now be a good little citizen and turn in your guns and support Obama and George Soros and all the other schemers. That way we can all get along. Of course, I'm being facetious, but you get the picture.

Lest folks think it is just about firearms companies, think again. I don't shop at Target either, because of the stance they've taken against our servicemen and women and the salvation army, etc.

Very well said, I agree with both of you (you and jwp).

Max Prasac

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