HuntKY, this dog has not been faced with a Skunk,or the other critters mentioned. My first one hated skunks, killed one & retrieved to me while I was yelling No, GDmit no! Too late. What can you do but "Good boy" & take it from him. He also tried to get one in the back yard but it was under the lawn furniture & he couldn't get at it, my yard & house (had to drag him in house to let the skunk get out & under the fence) for several weeks.

He came across 2 different porcupines in his hunting & what a god awful ruccus of barking & growling (I thought he had a bobcat) but he was smart enough not to take it on. Drug him away by the collar until got far enough away to get him hunting again. Knew if I shot it he was going to try to retrieve it.

I imagine Raider will probably be the same, though he so far just looks at the cats in the neighborhood as we walk by, never had one run yet, so don't think he has really figured out what they are. Is Hell on seeing a Rabbit, though I am toneing him down on them some & more so after my test is done.

I pick them because they are great dogs, fit my hunting, take the cold well, don't cut like a GSP on milo stalks & tree branches, they love water. At least both of mine do. Raider just smells the water & starts getting cranked. He will search until the cows come home, just doesn't give up. I am not a big duck hunter, though may have to get back to it again. They just hunt anything I want to hunt here in Kansas.

Never approach a bull from the front, a horse from the rear or a fool from any direction. - Billy the Kid.

Democracy is two wolves & a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.
- Benjamin Franklin