Originally Posted by GeauxLSU
Originally Posted by antlers
You're right in that it's an "extreme" example. Certainly the exception rather than the rule. Millions of Americans will never, never be able to accomplish what your "extreme" example has...or even what many of us have...through no fault of their own. They work at Wal-Mart, Mazzio's, McDonald's, Best Buy, and other similar jobs because that's their station in life. They don't have the cognition, means (financial or otherwise), or ability (for many reasons that aren't their fault), or just plain good fortune to be upwardly moble to the degree that they can accomplish what your "extreme example" did...or even what many of us have. But they work hard at the jobs that they do have nonetheless. They're dedicated, work 40 hours a week (often more), and do the best they can...like all the rest of us do. I'm not talking about welfare leeches who choose not to work...I'm talking about millions of hard working people in this country who simply don't, and won't, accomplish what Herman Cain, or many of us, have. 'SOME' who have accomplished more than these unfortunate folks mentioned above, view themselves as being superior...when in fact, even though it required hard work and dedication (and the folks I've mentioned above also work hard and are dedicated), they should view themselves as being blessed.

I guess I simply don't share your pessimistic view or generalization as to how heartless or 'arrogant' succesful (and almost always very hard working) people are. I've had the pleasure to meet many and never ONCE did I feel resentful of what they have. I have actually marveled at how generous some are and do tinge a bit wishing I could afford to be as philanthropic but thankfully that just drives me a bit. Did I meet any arrogant jerks? Sure. Have I met any arrogant entitlement jerks? Sure. Have I met any 'hard working paycheck to paycheck folks that are jerks? Sure. It's almost like ... people are people.

Hardly a generalization or pessimistic. The word 'some' was used. Regardless, the fact remains that there are 'some' who think that those who don't accomplish financial stability (even though they work hard), or can't afford their own health care because they have no insurance (even though they do the best they can), or don't have a ton of cash saved up for their retirement (even though they are productive members of society)...are worthless and deserve to suffer because they weren't able to accomplish these things...when others have. I'm speaking of hard working people from both ends of the socioeconomic spectrum...many have been blessed, and many have had misfortune...and we'd be wrong to think that those factors don't also play a role in how things turn out for folks.

Every day on this side of the ground is a win.