Originally Posted by northwestalaska

Because the raft retailer really wants you the rafting outfitter to keep buying their rafts, he will pass most of that savings on to you and add a good chunk of his savings to the deal.

Because Alaskan rafting trips are expensive, most of your customers will be in the mid to higher tax brackets and enjoying those tax savings Art Laffer was talking about.

Not going to fly!

Most of my clients are from Alaska and are working class guys trying to land Kings at an affordable price. My hunting clients are working class guys from the lower 48 who have saved for 3-4 years for this trip. I target the average Joe and my prices reflect that. I have not raised my prices in 5 years and I would like to this year but maybe not.

Sounds great but so does Palin until she opens her mouth to speak. (nails on the chalk board stuff)

Working class guys are included in the "The 30-Cent Tax Premium" so you are still hopefully gonna need more rafts.

I still think a straight flat tax is more doable�more sellable to the voters than a Fair sales tax.
No Constitutional amendment problems.

But Flat tax or Fair tax or 999... as Laffer says�It's a win-win.

You are as wrong about 999 as you are about Palin, the most popular political speaker in our lifetime.

In all my battles correcting the Palin record I have never understood the nails on the chalk board stuff that the record sell out crowds never hear and keep coming back for more.

The FOX News CEO�s can�t hear it either.

Leo of the Land of Dyr



“In Trump We Trust.” Right????

SOMEBODY please tell TRH that Netanyahu NEVER said "Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away."