Originally Posted by noKnees
This is an arguement about something that doesn't exist.

If Cain were elected and he did have his staff draft a bill and send it to congress it would be DOA. Bills from the administration are easy targets for congressmen from your own party, let alone the opposition. Its why Obama care is really Pelosi/Reid care.

What that means if such a bill were introduced it would be drafted primarily by the majority parties in congress and will no doubt be many hundred or thousand pages long. Exactly what types of income or products/services would taxable would be TBD. All Cain has done is throw out a rough idea.

that's all true, as it related to "business as usual" in the current congressional situation. but the idea is that with Cain it might not be business as usual.

he's not a career politician. i don't know of any other political office he's held. and therein lies a lot of the excitement. he seems to have no other masters, besides trying to do what he thinks is right for the country. if they send him a tax reform bill that's not to his liking, maybe he'll tear it up and tell him to go back to the drawing board. maybe not, but at least the perception that he will not be "more of the same" is there.

maybe people disagree with him on what's right, but so far he seems like a huge breath of fresh air to me.