Thank you for posting pictures of your Father and the things he brought back from the war. Both of my Grandfathers served in the Army during the war, and both ended up in Italy. My Maternal Grandfather, whom I lost in April of 2000, was the best friend I ever had. I call him The Indian in my stories now, because it seems so much of what I know, I learned from following that man around. He was in the 88th Infantry Division, "The Bluedevils" which was in the 5th Army, under General Mark Clark. Papaw is on the Right in the top photo and on the left in the bottom pic.

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I have a few pictures of my Paternal Grandfather, but I haven't had my scanner hooked up in some time. I'll have to get those pictures uploaded soon.

My undying thanks to the men and women who gave so much of themselves so that I could be raised an American.

"The number one problem with America is, a whole lot of people need shot, and nobody is shooting them."
-Master Chief Hershel Davis