Originally Posted by Diyelker
Originally Posted by Brad
Originally Posted by strawman
Originally Posted by Brad
Not all opinions are equal, because not all opinions are formed with enough experience to, in this case, a wide variety of packs over many years.

Hamburger is great if all you ever eaten is rice and chicken... but that doesn't make it steak and no amount of wishing will change that.

That's actually a good example of what I'm talking about Brad. You're basically saying that because you prefer steak, everyone else should too. Of course, there are are plenty of people who prefer hamburger, chicken, or fish, or even vegetables. It's not always a case of "not having experience" as much as it is having different preferences or in the case of packs, different body types or needs.

You've completely missed the point... I take what most people say about internal frames with a healthy dose of skepticism, as most I know have only a bit of experience over a couple years with a couple of packs.

This isn't about steak... as you well know.

This is about thinking one thing is great, when you haven't enough experience to really know if it's great or not.

Of course a guy can luck into an awesome pack right out of the chute, and be totally correct in his proclamation of love.

More than a few photos of packs being worn on this site are living proof some really don't know the first thing about fitting or driving an internal frame.

And I'm going to take pack advice from such?

Not likely...

I'm still a newb and I don't get to backpack like y'all. Brad, start a thread with some photos on the do's/dont's of packs. How to wear them correctly and such, along with some explanations of common features found that are good/bad. I hope to learn as much here as I can before I head out each time...pass it on...

Great idea. When I get some time I will, including photos of bending stays, fit, load-lifter position, etc.

I'm in the middle of unibuilding (building a house from the ground up solo) so I don't have a lot of time right now.

Going on a 3 day pack next week in the Absaroka's and will maybe try to do the photos then... My only decision is to take the old Osprey Crescent 90 or Bora 80.

My wife and her friend both use older Bora 75's and wouldn't use anything else, including the MR she got rid of when switching to the Bora.

“Perfection is Achieved Not When There Is Nothing More to Add, But When There Is Nothing Left to Take Away” Antoine de Saint-Exupery