'98 1.6 5spd JX

That's not a tippy canoe on top. The tippy canoe was the driver. Me! shocked The Sidekick just rested there for the night and I stayed in a nearby camp until morning where we went into town to hire a wrecker to pull it out. I still drive this as a second vehicle.

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Damned logging trucks had made a curve very treacherous by causing a substantial amount of loose golf ball sized gravel and rocks to be sitting near the right side of the left turning banked curve. I turned the wheel but it was if I was on ice. Brakes were useless on those 'marbles' as well.

Being more than half blinded by the setting sun on the horizon, speed and road conditions, plus a few beers (a number of times in a row) added up to making a strange way to park your ride for the night. crazy By the time the glare was gone, I saw the curve and realized the conditions, it was too late! If I had gone in the ditch a mere 10 feet sooner/closer, I would have flipped it into a brook and just about submerged the whole vehicle. Under those branches to the right lies a huge pool of water. The branches are remnants of a deconstructed beaver dam.