Originally Posted by Steve
If O loses the popular vote, wonder if the MSM will bring up this...

WTF am I thinking...

After Bush v. Gore, Obama, Clinton wanted Electoral College scrapped
Romney is only up over Zero slightly now, but he's been ahead in popular votes all night. I said the same thing to my wife. The MSM and Dems both pitched a fit when Dubya got in this way. Nothing said tonight.

Ohio still has 10% of the precincts to go and Zero is only up by about 10,000 votes. Looks like Virginia and Florida are going to go to Zero by about 50,000 apiece but the tallies ain't done yet. Really, it all comes down to those three places and around 100,000 votes. Two election officials arrested in Ohio. Wow. 100k by cheating is doable.

Thanks to all the mol independent voters who manned up and voted for Romney. My parents are lifelong Dems and both voted for Romney.