We should heal our wounds, cut domestic and defense spending (except for veterans benefits), cut the cost of living increases in Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid in half, increase the retirement age to 67 for everyone below 50. Leave the tax rates where they are except make all capital gains taxed as ordinary income unless it's invested in U.S. companies located in the U.S. for at least a year, limit the mortgage deduction and charitable deductions to a max of $20,000 and get rid of the sweet heart deals like the Oil Depletion Allowance (there's lots of them there). We could balance the budget in a year. Maybe go back to buy American. With all of the stuff the DoD buys why shouldn't it all be made here?

Yeah and pull out of Afghanistan, if the terrorists come back drop a nice 5 megaton love pill on them.

Take good care of our boys and their families who fought and died, or were wounded physically and mentally. No scrimping there!

Off my soap box, good people can disagree about politics, no point in getting personal about it, unless it's purely in fun.

Last edited by colorado; 11/06/12.



"There's a saying in prize fighting, everyone's got a plan until they get hit"

Ghost And The Darkness