Originally Posted by Penguin

Now put yourself in the place of a woman who values to the right to say when she will reproduce. One who has honestly thought thru the repercussions of being pregnant via rape. Assume she feels as passionately about this issue as we do about gun control.

Now insert the comments made by these two buffoons into the middle of a hotly contested campaign.

It doesn't take a gypsy soothsayer with a crystal ball to figure out what the typical reaction of such a woman will be. These two needed to be cut off from the Republican establishment and left to swing in the wind in order to make examples of them. It is going to take that kind of party discipline to put woman at ease.


no doubt the comments were dumb, but also taken out of context and magnified and front-paged by the media/DNC complex. my God, if Biden's daily gaffes got similar coverage, he'd have been laughed off the ticket.

my reaction to both of them was....WTF were you even thinking going there? what does a Senator's job have to do with rape and pregnancy? if you couldn't see the trap waiting in the reporter's spiel, you're too dumb to be a Senator anyway. both these guys were the kind of tea party darling that we keep getting told are the key to victory, BTW.

I think that's far more true in Congressional races, where you can get a pretty compact, hererogeneous electorate, than in state wide races, even in smaller states.

we have an absolute blood bath in La. that's going to a runoff because of our "jungle primary"....two very conservative republicans got districted together in the bayou country, because we lost population after Katrina but the DOJ insists on a black majority district in New Orleans.

Boustany is a doctor, been around a while, very conservative....Jeff Landry is a tea party guy elected in 2010, and then jammed in with Boustany in a newly redrawn district. Scarcely any difference in their positions on any issue, and you'd be thrilled to have either one of them represent you.....but it's been the most vicious race imaginable.

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