Originally Posted by tjk
I don't really understand reciprocity laws from state to state. Is a CCW permit a state license to carry concealed, or is it federal so if issued in 1 area can be legal anywhere in US? If I got one in Wisconsin could I legally carry to other states? Info appreciated. Thanks.

Concealed permits are state issued.

The answer to your question on reciprocity is a long and convoluted one.

Each state has it's own rules and regs as to the laws for carrying, the laws that dictate what constitues legal use of force etc. Each state also has laws and regs dictating what other states' ccw permits are recognized.

There are a number of websites that lists each state and what other states' ccw permits they recognize. These sites often summarize each individual state's ccw laws. Concealedcarry.org comes to mind.

Montana MOFO