Excuse me, you still didn't answer the questions I put forth.

As far as me and a mule, I don't have a mule.

You keep throwing out all these WONDERFUL things you do for your poor third world neighbors... Hey JACKWAGON, we do that ALL THE TIME FOR OUR NEIGHBORS! You want a cookie and an atta boy for doing what is the standard? really?!?! You are hardly the second coming of Mother Theresa.

I ask a simple question, you refuse to answer and then proceed to tell me to perform sex acts with an animal?!?!

I think I speak for all West Virginians when I say please do us all a favor and take your sorry carcass back to wherever you came from.

Now, if you want to answer the question so I can understand completely what happened and then try to explain (if there is an explanation) what the locals MIGHT have been thinking, we might get this cleaned up. Where did I say anyone had a RIGHT to your wood? Nowhere. I despise a thief just as much as the next person, I am not condoning thievery, just trying to understand what happened and maybe explain the local thinking. Sex offenders? Shoot them, I in no way condone that either. But then I didn't bring them into this you did.

BUT, if you want to continue to call names and be a general pain in our collective rears I will bid adieu to you.