Speaking of Bam, landed at a helipad in that neighborhood one day and was sitting there at flight idle waiting for the pax to load up. There was a ROK NCO, apparently equivalent to a Sgt. Major looking at the chevrons on his shoulder. Big and burley by Paul Bunyan standards, he was reading a younger ROK the riot act about something, much in the spirit of a boot camp private getting ass ripped by a DI. After several minutes of this he delivered a right hook to the youngster that laid him out flat. I was amazed..,

Then the fella jumped back on his feet and snapped to attention once more. More "in your face" followed but there were no further fisticuffs. Discipline is a marvelous thing in the Zone. Is stuff like that what made the region such a peaceful place I suppose.

I am..........disturbed.

Concerning the difference between man and the jackass: some observers hold that there isn't any. But this wrongs the jackass. -Twain