You need the latest in uber cool hunting duds too! Why not show off what God gave you and dress up in a hot 'seduction red' camo shirt with venturied Weatherbee shoulders! Paired with Brawning's latest fab metero creation - stunningly pink and orange camo patterned leather hunting boots - you're sure to be the talk of the lodge!

Brawning's 2014 line features form fitting, faux feather and fur outfits for today's real man. Keep the fur friendly folks at bay with this new synthetic line of "natural outdoor materials" from Brawnings.

Match the boots with Gai-Fleece gaters and Softeee(TM) Glovesby European fashion giant Oscar de la Rental and you've got fab functional, gorgeous gear for your deep camp!

Say 'no' to old school droopy shoulders on both your cartridges and your hunting clothes. Don't be your grandad with his dowdy looking farmer's clash! Be your own man with the 2014 Brawning Outdoor Collection.*

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*available in the finest metero hunting boutiques

Safe Shooting!
Steve Redgwell

Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please. - Mark Twain
Member - Professional Outdoor Media Association of Canada
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