Originally Posted by ironeagle_84
Originally Posted by teal
Originally Posted by ironeagle_84
Personally, i cant understand why people sit in trees and shoot deer they have patterned on several game cameras and talk about how hard they hunted.
No, they sat on their azz and shot deer they knew would be there....

Originally Posted by ironeagle_84

Why do we need to attack each other over our own preferences? How about YOU enjoy your chit, and i will enjoy mine?

Bit of irony there. Determining what is or isn't hard hunting for someone else and their preference?

No, its my opinion. I am entitled to think what i want of people sitting in trees and calling it hard hunting. however, i respect that they get deer and it works. I just wouldnt want to do it. I have hunted on foot my whole life and LOVE it. I cant imagine being in a tree for hours and acting like i did something other than sit there.

JMHO though. You do what work for you. I will do what works for me, and more power to you and many successful hunts to you!

You sound like a shallow douche bag.

That's the real problem with the Fire. So many members repeatedly demonstrate how retarded they are and expect that no one will call them on it.

Originally Posted by SBTCO
your flippant remarks which you so adeptly sling