My problem is to buy a .44 mag and then want loads that feel like a .22. What was the gun bought for? It has not that much recoil with the hottest loads.
Dia says it right. Just what possessed a person to a .44 mag if he can't handle it?
My favorite now is the .500 JRH, killed 5 deer with it this year. Next is the .475 and I am 77 years old.
Load a .44 down! You have to be kidding. I bought my first in 1956 and a 429421 with 22 gr of 2400 was all I used. Don't stick Bulseye loads in my face. Girly men! I have had women shoot my .500 with no problems. A 440 gr at 1350 fps.
Can't shoot a .44? What the hell did you buy it for?