Ron, my first job in AZ (1960) was down there somewaht east of Yuma. Things were easy and open in those days and we spent a lot of time exploring the area. Drove straight down to the border and east/west along the border area for many miles in a 54 Chev station wagon and later in a short/rough dune buggy I concocted from an old Studebaker coupe.

Some of that area was a gunnery range and there were warning signs - but no one ever kept us from going anywhere. There was very little gunnery action from MCAS Yuma in those days. Some of that low desert was fabulous and there were many natural tanks out there in the low mountains. We often saw Desert Bighorns and those small Sonoran Antelope.

Wish we could do it simple like that again. Tell you what - get Scott down to Phx, I'll get together a dune buggy and pick you two up, and the three of us can go run that southernmost desert. Bring some armament.

Last edited by CCCC; 01/14/15.

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